Monday, February 14, 2011

my fake birthday...:)

14 februari 2011
tarikh yg aku akn ingt smpai ble..:)

it is my fake birthday..:)
comel jewp kn plih trikh cm 2..:)

i'm just overestimate my friend..
ingt mereka thu..
yg aq totally menipu..but..
it ended with something funny....

so tnpa rasa bersalah...
aku pon lju jewp 
men "thanks" kt sume wish..:)

even, ade yg da tlis scra trg2 yg aq nie sdg mnipu....
tp smkin by plak yg wish...that me laugh for whole day..

ari nie..totally 24 jam aq 0n9.. 
seyes..mmg gelak beguling2..:)

sgt thru ble ade yg btoi2 ingt besday aku..
n post kt wall suh org jgn wish kt aq...hahahhaa

and for my rumet...
thanks for buying a cake..hahaha..
it was my fav part..:) 

to my teacher, sory for lying 
agk terharu ble di wishkn..:)

bila da mlm2 cm nie, bru ramai yg sedar,
aku sdg mnipu..hhahaha..:)
then, dapat la aq ayt power..haaha
sumpah seranah..hahhaha
yg 2 x bley cite..hahahhaaa

btw, today are the best day..
thanks to all for making my day spesel..:)

and i ended my fake birthday
with watching..hantu kak limah balik rumah..

and lastly
"happy fake besday yg ke 15 to me.".:))

mood:senyum dr pg..:)